Steady Rush

Steady Rush


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  • Opened for national artists Gloriana, Green River Ordinance, Dave Barnes, and Toby Lightman
  • Featured Artist Ambassador for American Family Insurance’s “Dream” radio campaign
  • Featured as “That Girl” guest interview on “I Am That Girl” official website/blog

With the steadiness of a heartbeat, and the high of an adrenaline rush, this focused energy reaches in and resonates within. Steady Rush is a unique Pop Rock duo that cannot go unnoticed. From their distinct voices to their prominent looks and undeniable harmony, these young women complement each other in true yin-yang fashion. Fueled by their genuine hearts, powerful intentions, and the belief that music should inspire all that is good and honest in humanity, Molly and Kylie have worked fervently to connect with audiences across the country. This dynamic duo has shared the stage with notable national acts such as Gloriana, Green River Ordinance, Dave Barnes, and Toby Lightman. With hundreds of shows played over their five years together, Steady Rush is ready and excited to further connect with listeners on tour with their newest EP, entitled ECHO.